ラブライブ風フォントのドラレコステッカー!ドライブレコーダー Now on REC! 文字はピンクですのでどのようなカラーの窓やボディのお車にもいてます。 SIZE:w150mm×h52mm 15cm×5.2cm内の文字ステッカー 耐水・耐久性ありますので車のガラスやボディに貼れます! また、周囲にもドラレコカメラ録画中を促すことができます。 あおり運転や危険運転者への抑止力&車上荒らしに対する防犯対策にもなります。
Kenneth 5 If you are as I tired of Lee Kum Kee's Oyster sauce, then you should definitely try out the Japanese Oyster sauce. As I have read, that the Lee Kum Kee's have been negatively affected by pollution in the waters around Hong Kong,I decided to try the Japanese ones using oysters harvested in Hiroshima. I opted out the oysters coming from Miyagi coast for fearing of radioactivity. Just by opening the bottle, I knew that I have bought the right thing. It smells wonderfully of oyster, pleasant and tasty. A little goes a long way. It is not as sweet as Lee Kum Kee's. Also it comes in smaller bottles, that I don't have to throw away half the bottle after it has expired.