LED ライトバー 38cm 216W ワークライト 26000lm 12V 24V 作業灯 ハイパーコンボ 15インチ 補助灯 オフロード 防水 汎用 フォークリフト SUV ATV バギー 船舶
GLeo 2 I had a lot of high expectations for this manual drill press. It's solidly built with nice metal components. If you plan on using this for angled drilling, please be aware that it's extremely too heavy and awkward. Drilling at 60 deg from vertical center is extremely tough if you don't have the right clamps. The base plate of the drill press is so small that there isn't an adequate area to install a clamp to help lock it down to your work piece.I was trying to make a towel rack using wooden dowels as the mounting points for the towel. I had a piece of 1" x 4" pine board as the mounting plate. I had to drill a hole at an angle so I used this tool to make that happen. At an angle of 60 deg the drill bit will jump when you come into contact with the wood surface. Once you start to take away wood material the drill bit will stabilize. However the initial cut is rough and ugly.This drill press will be great for vertical drilling, but this type of drilling can be achieved using a homemade jig.Results: Heavy piece of equipment. No area to apply a clamp. Top heavy once a drill is installed. Initial cut at angles to the work surface jumps and the results are rough. The spring is super tough to overcome while trying to keep everything stable. Depth stop screw is cheap plastic.