ソフト99 タッチアップペン T-23 黒 17023
ソフト99 タッチアップペン T-23 黒 17023
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Rob 4
I purchased this light because of the images in the promotion material on its page. The clamp style, along with the range of motions and the size of light itself looked useful.When it arrived, one thing I was suprised about was the size of the led bar itself. It was much narrower than the image on the page of the item, maybe about half the width. This was a bit disappointing as I was expecting to able to get a wider angle of light dispersion with the large array of leds.However, the clamp is useful. Being able to move it to where I want and not have it take up much desk space is an advantage. So to, is the adjustable neck of the lamp. have 360 degrees of motion is useful when it comes to directing the light where I want it to be and menas that I can focus the light more on one spot or move is so that the light disperses/diffuses over a wider area.The different light settings are handy, having the 3 kinds of light is good to set for different tasks, as is the brightness level. I would like for there to be more than 3 levels of brightness as sometimes I would like it a little brighter than it can get at max.I haven't used the remote yet so I can't say how well it works but the controls are basic so I can't see much going wrong with it, apart from the build quality which does seem cheap.After the intial disappointment of the led array size, I am satisfied with the lamp. I would have like more lights and brightness, but it was a fairly budget option so its cost-performance is acceptable.
Amazon | SOFT99 (99工房) タッチアップペン X-1 つや消し黒 17101 | ペイント | 車&バイク
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