Ryan Lin 5 ジャッキに付いてた金具を数回使って車の下部に傷が少しできたからこれを購入しました。ホームセンターの同じ商品より数百円安かったので嬉しい。ジャッキが滑って車が落ちた様子の動画をYoutubeで見たから不安でしたが、ジャッキにピンでちゃんと取り付けられるので、ゴム製ジャッキの金具に乗せるだけのやつより安心感あります。何回も使って問題ありません。おススメです。I used my jack with the standard metal head, and it was causing some damage under by car, so I decided to buy this polymer head. It was a few hundred yen cheaper here on Amazon compared to the local home centers.I also saw some similar products that are just a rubber puck that you can just fit on top of the original jack head. That honestly sounds a lot easier to use, but I saw some videos on Youtube of people using those and their car sliding off the puck, smashing their car frames or body panels through the jack and seriously messing up their cars. This head actually replaces the original jack head and is held in place with a rod and holding pin, so it seems a lot safer than those loose pucks.I used this product numerous times already and it has been great! No problems so far!